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发布时间:2023-09-20 09:01:05



Wei Zhao
        Postdoctoral researcher, professor. Graduated from College of Computer Science and Technology, Jilin University. Senior member of China Computer Federation, member of Virtual Reality Committee, China Computer Federation. Member of System Simulation Committee, Chinese Association of Automation, senior member of Jilin Provincial Computer Federation, member of China Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, executive deputy director of Digital Media and Human-Computer Interaction Committee on Technical Committees’ Affairs of Hangzhou Computer Federation, Zhejiang Province. 
        Research Orientation: Virtual Reality and Human-Computer Interaction(HCI), Digital Media and Crowd Animation, Computer Graphics and Image Processing. He has hosted and accomplished over 20 projects including: Program of National Natural Science Foundation, Key Program of Natural Science Foundation of Jilin Province, Key Technology Research and Development Program for Technology Development Program of Jilin Province. Young and Middle-Aged Leading Talents in Science and Technology Area in Jilin Province and Excellent Innovation Team Program, General Program of Natural Science Foundation of Jilin Province, Major Science and Technology Programs for Internet of Things, Major Programs for Strategic Emerging Industry, General Program of Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province, Key Program for Research on Science and Technology of Twelfth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of The Education Department of Jilin Province. Wei Zhao has also won the 3rd Prize for National Scientific and Technological Progress Award, Chinese Academy of Sciences, the 1st Prize in Engineering and Technology category of Academic Seminar for Chinese Science and Technology Innovation, 2nd Prize for Academic Achievement Award of Natural Science Foundation of Jilin Province. In addition he is the chief editor of 2 textbooks of the Twelfth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development. 
